Building Your Foundations

Some of the biggest mistakes that people make on their porn addiction recovery journey are covered by foundational concepts. This is like failing a University calculus exam because you don't know the basics of addition and subtraction.

Elsewhere, recovering addicts are simply turning their recovery into a new form of entertainment. Rather than watching TV or playing video games, they find their drama in the highs and lows of cycles of abstinence and relapse.

Regardless of what your journey has looked like thus far, the simple fact is that you are still trapped in addiction.

Fortunately, this is not a fate you are condemned to. Learning the basics may be the very thing keeping you from long streaks. Your freedom is in your own hands.


My Story

I started watching porn at the age of 12 years old. By 16 I had already found my way through hentai, incest, trans women, BDSM, and the depths of shame and self-hatred.

It took me nearly a decade to finally find my way to freedom, but today I am able to look in the mirror and see a man that fills me with love, hope, and excitement for the future.

Now I dedicate my life to helping men achieve the same in far less time.

8 Lectures

All the information you need to start building your foundation is included in these lectures. Learn exactly what has been holding you back! You can also find PDFs of each lecture.

7 Exercises

Too many people get stuck in paralysis by analysis. We learn too much without enough action. These exercises are meant to help you transcend this common issue.

Updates To Come!

Addiction recovery is far more about creating an amazing life than simply not watching porn. As such, more foundational material will be released to help you create that life!

Claim your freedom today

Hi, I'm Will Cameron

I'm a certified sex and porn addiction recovery coach. After completing a Bachelor of Science Honours degree in Psychology, I dedicated myself to helping men not only recover from addiction, but to create lives that they could be truly passionate about. Beyond my academic career, I have over a decade of experience in self-improvement, physical fitness, and philosophy. Altogether this has allowed me to not only master my own sexuality and life, but to help every client I work with overcome the crippling effects of sex-based addiction.