My school is about self-improvement for men, whether you're dealing with sex-based addiction, a lack of meaning and purpose in your life, or emotional issues that keep you trapped in a life you don't want.

Sex-Based Addictions

"It's not why the addiction, it's why the pain," - Gabor Mate

This quote speaks clearly to the fact that we have go deep into ourselves to figure out why we are addicted. It's not about restricting ourselves. It's about learning to deal with our pain in healthier ways.

Meaning and Purpose

“Those who have a 'why' to live, can bear with almost any 'how'.” - Viktor Frankl

Men have lost our traditional roles in society. Whether you believe this is a good thing or not, the bad thing is that we have not been given something truly meaningful to replace it. We feel purposeless. As men, we must create purpose for ourselves.

Emotional Issues

“Becoming a leader is the same as becoming a fully integrated human being,” - Ken Wilber

Our emotions are the paint we use to colour reality. When we feel a certain way and something happens to us, we are going to paint it with that feeling's colour whether it's the right thing to do or not. Emotional mastery is the path to rationality.

Hi, I’m Will Cameron

I'm a sex and porn addiction recovery coach. After completing a Bachelor of Science Honours degree in Psychology, I dedicated myself to helping men not only recover from addiction, but to create lives that they could be truly passionate about. Beyond my academic career, I have over a decade of experience in self-improvement, physical fitness, and philosophy. Altogether this has allowed me to not only master my own sexuality and life, but to help every client I work with overcome the crippling effects of sex-based addiction.