Peace of Mind

HOCD seems like a demon latched onto our backs. We can't even go to the grocery store or the gym without the thoughts intruding relentlessly into our minds.

I personally know what this hell is like. I lived with this for years before I was finally able to break through the obvious irrationality of the thoughts.

To say that I am now certain of my sexuality doesn't capture how I feel. I am simply at peace. You are fully capable of attaining this level of peace yourself.

16 Lectures

Detail the theory and practice behind HOCD. What are the common traps? How do we approach recovery? And more!

7 Exercises

Designed to give you deep insight into where HOCD is coming from and what you must do to begin overcoming it.

Guided Meditations

Guide you through a process custom-designed to help you accept your thoughts and learn to feel comfortable in your own skin.

Claim your freedom today