I was caged from

the age of 12

You likely have a similar story. You were a young kid, far too young, when you were exposed to porn for the first time.

You were taken advantage of by a porn industry that cares little for the development you should have had.

How many years has it been?

How many years have you struggled with extreme genres, porn-induced erectile issues, and the fear that you'll never be free?

I know this struggle personally, and just like me, each and every one of you can break the chains of porn addiction.

My Story

I was 18 when I first started tried quitting porn. I made it 2 weeks. From then on it was 2 years before I made it more than 7 days.

This same trend marked the rest of my recovery journey. Get a few days, relapse. Get a few more days, relapse. Get a huge streak, relapse, relapse, relapse.

Without a proven, systematic process for overcoming my addiction - I could never even dream of getting beyond the plateau.

I hated my life and myself.

It was then that I realized my mistake and it blocked me from recovery fulfilling relationships, and a meaningful life and career.

This is the very same mistake I have seen time and time again in every man I have ever worked with.

13 Years to


Just like me, you have been defining your life by porn. That...seems a little obvious.

The issue is that you have been defining your recovery by porn too.

A life defined by the absence of something

is still defined by that thing.

13 years to freedom? Far too long to educate oneself, make progress, fail, make more progress, and fail again.

To fast-track your porn addiction, you must begin defining your life right now based on what you consider to be most personally and meaningfully virtuous, and do everything in your power to overcome any obstacle that stands in your way.

Conquer Your Pain-Based Identity

Uncover the reasons you give in to porn despite every desperate attempt to quit.

Throw off the chains of unnecessary pain that cause your relapses.

Construct Your Virtue-Based Identity

Dig through the layers of porn corruption to reclaim your virtuous spark.

Virtue as defined by your highest self and aspirations.

Live Your Life's Purpose With Ease

Learn how society has left us trapped in lives void of meaning and purpose.

Create a vision that can guide you through the muck of addiction.

Choose a Pricing Option After Checking The Life-Changing Bonuses Below

21 Day Money-Back Guarantee

Life-Changing Curriculum

Your Porn Addiction War Plan ($547 Value)

Contains 63 daily action steps of 1 video, 1 assignment, and 1 meditation per day.

Step-by-step, day-by-day to your porn-free life


BONUS Extra-Curricular Porn Annihilation Blueprint ($197 Value)

Weeks worth of bonus material to absolutely exterminate any remaining corruption of porn addiction.


Virtue-Based Community Accelerator ($197 Value)

Conquer your addiction in a community of like-minded peers on the path of sexual mastery.

Module 1 - Evolving in an Ecosystem of Success

Module 2 - Crushed Under the Cycle of Shame

Module 3 - Deconstructing the Pain-Based Identity

21 Day Money-Back Guarantee

Module 4 - Cultivating Radical Self-Love

Module 5 - Reconstructing the Virtue-Based Identity

Module 6 - Porn-Induced Fetishistic Disorder

Module 7 - Architectures of Support and Camaraderie

Module 8 - From Hyperreality to Integrated Sexuality

Module 9 - The Virtue-Based Life

WARNING: I can (and will) take this program off air in the future - as I've done with my last program. Those of you who purchase will keep everything, those of you who didn't - miss out.